The mission of the Etsy Fine Art Gallery is to highlight the fine art on Etsy, as distinct from fine craft. Not that we have a bias against fine craft, mind you. That will be for another blog. Here you will find only original fine art. Watch for new openings and special exhibits curated by Etsy fine artists. And thank you for looking. Our exhibits change every Sunday so check back often!

Lisa Bartlett-Art for the slightly strange.

Being of a restless, creative nature, I generally have multiple projects going at once. I bounce between media, and I love to experiment.
My background in computer design has led me to incorporate digital images into my work. I strive to push that medium to its very limits by using a variety of transfer processes.
I also enjoy working in three dimensions, using such found objects as old clock cases, broken ceramics, and Victorian hardware.
My work often tells a story, since I'm fascinated by human nature and by what history has to teach us. Old photographs, old letters, and other memorabilia are major sources of inspiration.
I'm always looking for new ideas, new construction techniques, and new projects to get excited about. Anything that involves experimentation, anything complicated, and finally just the act of creation itself--that's what I love.


Miriam said...

What a neat idea! I look forward to looking at this blog!

Gordonica said...

This is such a great idea my dear...what a way for us to stand out!

Looking forward to more!

mookiejones said...

I think this is sensational--the idea of a gallery and the actual art on this exhibit.

Mary Lamoray said...

This truly is wonderful! Just love all the colors and various styles of art... where would we be without the arts!? :)

Etsy Art Gallery said...

Thank you everyone. Wow, I should have done this long ago. What a great response in so short a time. I made this blog late last night. We are on a roll!

Please check back often because we will be making the gallery better and better with each passing moment!

becky nielsen said...

It looks great! Good for you!

Sunny Bower Art Studio said...

Lisa, I like the title that you gave to the first gallery show...perfect!

Penguen said...

Good work on everything, Lisa!