The mission of the Etsy Fine Art Gallery is to highlight the fine art on Etsy, as distinct from fine craft. Not that we have a bias against fine craft, mind you. That will be for another blog. Here you will find only original fine art. Watch for new openings and special exhibits curated by Etsy fine artists. And thank you for looking. Our exhibits change every Sunday so check back often!

Jessie Lawson Feline Fiesta

Every piece of art I create, regardless of the medium in which I'm working, represents a special, slightly weird world, inhabited by hybrid human/animal creatures that are generally having a good time. That's the place that my imagination inhabits, and it's the source of all my inspiration.
Some of my creatures show up in large canvases. Others appear in small mixed-media pieces.
Along with the fun, I consider doing art to be an important social activity. We test the quality of our own social reality against the better worlds we're capable of imagining. Even these crazy little animal-people can help us learn how to live more happily, more humanely, and more wisely.


Penguen said...

You have a very unique art style. I love the kitty Romeo and Juilet.

ceevee said...

Love your whimsical felines!