The mission of the Etsy Fine Art Gallery is to highlight the fine art on Etsy, as distinct from fine craft. Not that we have a bias against fine craft, mind you. That will be for another blog. Here you will find only original fine art. Watch for new openings and special exhibits curated by Etsy fine artists. And thank you for looking. Our exhibits change every Sunday so check back often!

Fairy Tale Art By Artist Philippe Fernandez

Fairy Tale Art By Artist Philippe Fernandez
If you love fantasy art and fairy tales with a gothic primitive twist, you’re sure to find something that pleases you


lunardancer said...

These fairy tale paintings have a powerful dreamy and soothing effect despite the eerie atmosphere in some of them. Excellent works of art!

Stephanie said...

There are so many great Fine Art artist on Etsy that really stand out from the handmade crowd. This work by Fernandez is great!

I saw today that artfire split their categories to have a special page for fine art. http://is.gd/4xTk8 maybe etsy could do something like this to give the fine artists a little more separation and exposure from the "DIY" crowd.

Greg Turco said...

Nice work! I'm glad to see someone else feels the need to separate fine art from fine craft! Take a look at my photography http://turcoarts.etsy.com Would you be interested in featuring my work?

Unknown said...

Hi Stephanie, I do agree with you on the category. Does this suggestion been brought up to Etsy Admin ?

Mattsart said...

Nice to see Phillipes art up there! You go, Phillipe!