The mission of the Etsy Fine Art Gallery is to highlight the fine art on Etsy, as distinct from fine craft. Not that we have a bias against fine craft, mind you. That will be for another blog. Here you will find only original fine art. Watch for new openings and special exhibits curated by Etsy fine artists. And thank you for looking. Our exhibits change every Sunday so check back often!

Art by Guenevere Van Der Aa Keeffe

Art by Guenevere Van Der Aa Keeffe
I tend to work in charcoal and acrylic though I have played with watercolor and oil. I try to convey emotions and movement in my works and I love texture. Every now and then my paintbrushes just don't make the cut to achieve the texture I'm looking for and I am known to get my fingers dirty instead. I try to play well with others but sometimes my sarcasm makes that difficult. So I prefer the solitude of art, paint can be disagreeable but it's always pliable.


Dan Felstead said...

My favorite is "Red". It reminds me of some of my photography....I like a monotone image with a hint of color that draws your eye. Beautiful.


Penguen said...

Thank you, Dan! And thank you everyone for supporting this blog!

Prims by Andrea said...

I adore your 'original figure sketch' cause it reminds me of myself--though back when I was younger and thinner (lol) and less nude! But still, I wore that 'flopsy-mopsy' hairstyle (as my husband calls it :)
Best Wishes ~andrea

TreasuresFromHawaii said...

Your work is so striking...it makes a personal statement and is very unique...beautiful! As for you trying to "play well with others but sometimes my sarcasm makes that difficult" ~ sarcasm is a virtue and playing well with others is often boring(grin)...God bless! Dava