The mission of the Etsy Fine Art Gallery is to highlight the fine art on Etsy, as distinct from fine craft. Not that we have a bias against fine craft, mind you. That will be for another blog. Here you will find only original fine art. Watch for new openings and special exhibits curated by Etsy fine artists. And thank you for looking. Our exhibits change every Sunday so check back often!

L. Christine Suthers - Textures

I'm a contemporary artist who has been creating a diverse collection of oil, watercolour, pastel and mixed media paintings for over 20 years.
The textures in nature are varied and abundant, whether it is the softness of a single flower, the forest floor or more majestic views. By experimenting with techniques to create texture in my paintings, I intensify my work and challenge the viewer to look closer to the subtle details.
The textures in man made objects are just as evident throughout time. They represent fragments of lifetimes and traditions that are universal. Masks, pottery and jewellery have been created by artists in virtually all cultures since the Stone Age. I use these objects in my paintings and try to capture the texture inherent in the materials used.


Penguen said...

Chris, I love all your work.

ceevee said...

Chris, thanks for all your work on this blog and for all you have done trying to promote the arts on Etsy. Your work above is lovely, and I have always liked that Family Jewel piece!

Dan Felstead said...

You know I have already expressed my love for "Autumn in Marmora"...my favorite.

As Ceevee said, I want to thank you and Lisa for taking the time to set up a site to promote the Fine Arts on Etsy.


paint1chris said...

Thanks Dan.

We have set up a flickr account where we will be posting older exhibits. Hopefully I will be one week behind Lisa.