The mission of the Etsy Fine Art Gallery is to highlight the fine art on Etsy, as distinct from fine craft. Not that we have a bias against fine craft, mind you. That will be for another blog. Here you will find only original fine art. Watch for new openings and special exhibits curated by Etsy fine artists. And thank you for looking. Our exhibits change every Sunday so check back often!

Emma Kidd

I am an Australian artist who has just returned from 5 years living in France. I create original pieces using gouache, ink or oil paint, multi-plate photographic etching. They usually always have animals in them, i am really just a big child at heart.


paint1chris said...

Emma, great work. I really like the Hair Perfume. Don't know what Multi-plate photographic technique is but the end result is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Multi-plate photographic etching involves splitting your finished image into the 4 colour process colours, cyan, magenta, yellow and black and then exposing the metal plates with a photographic technique, registering them all up again then printing. It can be long if you have a particularly delicate image. Thanks for your nice words.

AND thanks for featuring me!

Dan Felstead said...

I love your photographic etching...very unique and a talent that not many have. From what I have seen, I think you can claim the sole spot on ETSY!

Dan Felstead